NTRL Nutrition

NTRL Nutrition, a plant based supplement company needing to stand out on the shelf and appeal to a both gym-jocks and professionals trying to seek a natural plant based lifestyle.



We made the bag with graphics to catch the eye, and listed out the appealing qualities of this protein over others. This style of protein is very difficult to remain certified since laboratories will often times cross-contaminate supplement mixing bins, so it’s very important that if we promote the certifications (GMP + USDA) the manufacturer can maintain that standard.


Still Photography

We held multiple photoshoots to make sure the marketing materials avoided stock-imagery and began to build up their vault of images to pull from.

Promotional Video

The Video focused on the CEO’s vision for the product and lifestyle.

We brought in two athletes that fit both target personas, and made sure to convey the necessary messaging across multiple videos.


BroAum Podcast

BroAum Podcast is set out to enlighten bro’s back to normalcy.


I shot images to assist the branding and provide marketing materials for their online ads for FB/instagram. Since podcasting has become a competitive market, they need to cover all bases in appearance/production to ensure an impactful first impression.

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The Marijuana industry has seen a massive amount of growth, but may still be a tough concept to dip your feet into for the common household. GroBasics is set out to be a product to help the everyday marijuana grower stray away from the “stoner/psychedelic” branded products, and find its way on the shelves of casual nurseries without the stigma.


They logo was designed to be simple, with a unique design that could be standalone if needed (the leaf).


They asked to keep cost down on the overall packaging, so, I decided a single sticker to overlay the front and top would be an attractive way to maintain branding and have some appeal for the 3-pack.